The Haydn Piano Sonatas
Scott Foglesong, piano


Recording the Haydn Keyboard Sonatas

A lifelong fascination with the music of Joseph Haydn, together with a matching interest in the possibilities introduced by modern digital technology, has led to this project and website. I am recording all of the Haydn keyboard sonatas, using a virtual 9' Hamburg Steinway and a virtual 9' Yamaha CF3, rather than using an acoustic instrument. The project is not only serving to help me to learn all of the sonatas (which is the primary object), but also to explore just what I can do entirely on my own, without using recording studios or technicians. I discuss the techniques I use in the Technology section of the website, if you're interested about it.

Sources and Editions

My primary edition is Georg Feder's, published in 1971 by G. Henle in three volumes. This edition does not use the numbering system pioneered by Christa Landon in her Vienna Urtext edition, but instead relies primarily on Hoboken catalog numbers. Therefore I have decided to dispense with Landon sonata numbers, which have become rather confusing these days. (For example, "Sonata No. 8" can mean almost anything.) However, I am offering a correspondence chart (see About the Sonatas), so if you're using a different edition, you can find the sonata relatively easy.

Recording Formats

The format I'm using on this website is standard mp3; each of the files was compressed at 160 kbps, which creates a file with very little loss, in my opinion. However, in the future I may be creating compact disc versions of these recordings, which will be made from uncompressed recordings. Depending on circumstance, I may consider other formats such as Apple Lossless.

I offer all of these recordings free of charge, without any restrictions whatsoever with the sole proviso that you do not alter them in any way. If you have any comments or feedback about the recordings, please feel free to contact me at

If you would like to visit my website, it's here at: